


Combat Magnum

Cartridges for large fillings and color packing. Save time while tattooing with Kwadron Combat Magnum cartridges.

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Specialized Cartridges 

Combat Magnum by Kamil Mocet is the highest quality, largest magnum cartridge available in the tattoo world. Designed for filling in very large areas of skin. They work great for packing both black and color ink. All Kwadron cartridges feature the most advanced rubber membrane, protecting the machine interior from ink splatter. 

Wonderful shading cartridges 

Combat Magnum is the preferred needle type for most shading tasks, especially on large surfaces. You'll achieve smooth transitions without visible borders. Thanks to super sharp needles, the cartridge doesn't traumatize the skin and injects the ink perfectly, maintaining its sharpness even during the longest sessions. It's a real game-changer in the tattoo world. 

Save time and money 

With Combat Magnum cartridges, you need fewer passes over a given area to pack the ink, resulting in less stress on the skin. This translates into faster healing tattoos and a better final effect that will stay with the client for years. 

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Price 31.25 €
(incl. 5.84 € tax)